NB Candidacy FAQs
How does a teacher become National Board certified?
National Board certification is achieved by teachers who have created a unique portfolio of evidence from their own practice that aligns to a set of high professional standards set by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). The teacher submits four components within a three-year time period. Each component is assessed by highly-trained assessors who teach the same level and content as the candidate. Teachers whose portfolios (four components) are assessed as demonstrating convincing evidence of accomplished teaching are granted National Board certification.
How do teachers learn about what they must demonstrate in the portfolio?
The NBPTS website allows teachers to look at the portfolio guidelines for their content area and level. The National Board Resource Center helps teachers understand what is needed to produce a portfolio through its support program. Interested teachers can preview the work of creating a portfolio and receive suggestions that help them get started planning the work.
What are the costs of certification?
National Board certification includes four components, at the cost of $475 per component. Additionally, NBPTS charges an annual, nonrefundable $75 registration fee for each year that a candidate is submitting components. Participation in the Stanford National Board Resource Center support program is an additional cost separate from the cost through NBPTS. More info on costs and timelines linked here
California teachers who teach in high-priority schools (defined as a school with 55% or more of its pupils classified as an English learner or foster youth, or eligible for a free or reduced-price meal), may be eligible to have their certification costs covered by the CA NBPTS Certification Incentive Program. You can find more info on this program, including a list of eligible schools, linked here
How do teachers who decide to pursue candidacy find the resources and support they need?
- Find a support group within your district and/or association.
- Join our Candidate Support Program at Stanford
- Review the information and resources on the National Board website
- Find National Board Certified Teachers in your area, or connect online through Facebook groups with other NBCTs and candidates.